You can use our data services from the website through dowloadable links or in your own application by means of API requests.
Logged-in users can browse to dedicated pages, use visualization tools and download data.
For example you can visit the Instruments
page, choose an instrument and explore End-Of-Day, Intraday, Indicators or Options Chains data.
On the other hand you can build your own application and interact with our data services through API requests.
This documentation will help you explore our exposed endpoints and give you specific details about their usage.
We strive to make it as simple and legible as possible. Feel free to contact us should you experience any issue using it.
Global Specifications
API base url:
Additional segments and parameters are appended to the base url according to the topic of your request.
Parameters appear in curly braces. A table gives type, format and description details for each parameter.
When the request succeeds, a response message is returned with data in the content and additional information in the header.
The supported data formats include CSV, JSON, XML and BSON.
You can set the desired content type in the header when issuing requests.
Failed requests return error messages with specific details.
Examples are given throughout this documentation for illustrative purpose.
Logged-in users can take advantage of Try It Out sections for quick interactive tests.
Different topics are covered. Some of them are purely informational and don't require any authentication or authorization.
Others are subject to restrictions as they require authentication and access rights.
This documentation is organized topic-wise and will go through a list of topics that we deem relevant.
You use our APIs by submitting requests to our exposed endpoints.
Some API requests need to include a security token for authentication purpose.
Registered users are assigned an API key they can use to generate these tokens.
Logged-in users can omit the authentication token or API key when they initiate a request from their browser.
Explore the Tokens topic to see how you can generate them and authenticate your requests.
Access to our different data services is granted depending on your account profile. You have a set of basic data accesses attached to your account by default to let you explore our services. You can extend your data access rights depending on your needs. See the different plans for information about data access levels.
Data availability highly depends on the instrument and the type of data you are searching for. We update our database on a regular basis with new and past data. You can obtain extensive information from the instrument's details page. You can also refer to the Instruments section to see how to obtain the information through API requests.
In order to provide our users with quality services, we take action to prevent abuses of any kind. As such, restrictions about the number of requests allowed within a period of time may apply.
Community Support
You can use our GitHub Support Page to raise issues you may encounter and share your experience with other developers. Also feel free to suggest new endpoints if you don't find one that best meets your needs.
You use security tokens to send requests to endpoints that require authentication.
Tokens are generated with your API key and are usable only once before they expire. By default you can generate a single 2-minute token per request.
Users with Premium or Full Access privilege can generate multiple 5-minute tokens per request.
Logged-in users don't need authentication tokens when they send requests from their browser.
Your API key is accessible from the Settings section of your Account.
For obvious security reasons, keep it secret and only use it with requests that are submitted server-side.
Change it if you feel that its secrecy has been compromised.
Generates a single token.
Send a GET request to the following endpoint:{apiKey}
Parameter | Type | Format | Description |
apiKey* | String | GUID | User's API key. Can be found in your account settings. |
Returns a JSON object with the following properties:
Property | Type | Format | Description |
Key | String | GUID | The generated token. |
Issued | DateTime | ISO | The token's creation time. |
Expiry | DateTime | ISO | The token's expiry time. |
The following errors might arise:
Unauthenticated request
"Message":"Could not authenticate request!"
Maximum number of requests reached
"Message":"You've reached the maximum number of X requests per minute! Try again a bit later."
Missing or invalid API key
"Message":"Invalid API Key!"
Internal server error
"Message":"An internal server error occurred."
You generate a temporary token using your API key. The one we use in this example is only for illustration and is not functional. Replace it with your own API key.
A JSON object with the aforementioned properties is returned. The token key can be used before it's expiry time in order to authenticate a subsequent request.
Generates multiple tokens.
Send a GET request to the following endpoint:{nbTokens}/{apiKey}
Parameter | Type | Format | Description |
nbTokens | Integer | Integer | Number of tokens to be generated. |
apiKey* | String | GUID | User's API key. Can be found in your account settings. |
A collection of objects with the following properties:
Property | Type | Format | Description |
Key | String | GUID | The generated token. |
Issued | DateTime | ISO | The token's creation time. |
Expiry | DateTime | ISO | The token's expiry time. |
The following errors might arise:
Unauthenticated request
"Message":"Could not authenticate request!"
Maximum number of requests reached
"Message":"You've reached the maximum number of X requests per minute! Try again a bit later."
Missing or invalid API key
"Message":"Invalid API Key!"
Not Enough Privilege
"Message":"Your user privilege is not enough to use this endpoint."
Internal server error
"Message":"An internal server error occurred."
You generate temporary tokens using your API key. The one we use in this example is only for illustration and is not functional. Replace it with your own API key.
Objects with the aforementioned properties are returned. Tokens can be used only once before they expire in order to authenticate subsequent requests.
We expose the following endpoints to provide extensive information about available instruments and instrument categories.
No authentication or authorization is needed for these endpoints.
Please note that it is crucial to know some details about an instrument in order to make successful data requests.
Returns detailed information about the specified instrument.
Send a GET request to the following endpoint:{ticker}
Parameter | Type | Format | Description |
ticker | String | None | Instrument's ticker symbol. |
Returns an object with the following properties:
Property | Type | Format | Description |
Ticker | String | None | Instrument's ticker symbol. |
Description | String | None | Instrument's description. |
Category | String | None | Instrument's category. |
Fields | String | None | Available data fields. |
IntradayMinDate | DateTime | ISO | Minimum date for intraday data. |
IntradayMaxDate | DateTime | ISO | Maximum date for intraday data. |
EodMinDate | DateTime | ISO | Minimum date for End-Of-Day data. |
EodMaxDate | DateTime | ISO | Maximum date for End-Of-Day data. |
OptionMinDate | DateTime | ISO | Minimum date for options data. |
OptionMaxDate | DateTime | ISO | Maximum date for options data. |
Remarks | String | None | Any remarks on the instrument. |
Optionable | Boolean | true/false | Indicates if the instrument bears options. |
The following errors might arise:
Internal server error
"Message":"An internal server error occurred."
Not Found
"Message":"No instrument found. Refer to the list of covered instruments."
You send a GET request to the following endpoint.
You get the matching instrument with detailed information. We assume that a JSON content type was specified.
"Description":"Apple Inc.",
Returns detailed information about all available instruments (including delisted ones).
Send a GET request to the following endpoint:
Returns a collection of objects with the following properties:
Property | Type | Format | Description |
Ticker | String | None | Instrument's ticker symbol. |
Description | String | None | Instrument's description. |
Category | String | None | Instrument's category. |
Fields | String | None | Available data fields. |
IntradayMinDate | DateTime | ISO | Minimum date for intraday data. |
IntradayMaxDate | DateTime | ISO | Maximum date for intraday data. |
EodMinDate | DateTime | ISO | Minimum date for End-Of-Day data. |
EodMaxDate | DateTime | ISO | Maximum date for End-Of-Day data. |
OptionMinDate | DateTime | ISO | Minimum date for options data. |
OptionMaxDate | DateTime | ISO | Maximum date for options data. |
Remarks | String | None | Any remarks on the instrument. |
Optionable | Boolean | true/false | Indicates if the instrument bears options. |
The following errors might arise:
Internal server error
"Message":"An internal server error occurred."
You send a GET request to the following endpoint.
You get a collection of all available instruments along with detailed information. We assume that a JSON content type was specified.
"Description":"Apple Inc.",
"Description":"Zoetis Inc.",
Returns detailed information about instruments in a specific category.
We cover instruments in the following categories:
- Stock
- Index
Send a GET request to the following endpoint:{categoryName}
Parameter | Type | Format | Description |
categoryName | String | None | Instrument's category. |
Returns a collection of objects with the following properties:
Property | Type | Format | Description |
Ticker | String | None | Instrument's ticker symbol. |
Description | String | None | Instrument's description. |
Category | String | None | Instrument's category. |
Fields | String | None | Available data fields. |
IntradayMinDate | DateTime | ISO | Minimum date for intraday data. |
IntradayMaxDate | DateTime | ISO | Maximum date for intraday data. |
EodMinDate | DateTime | ISO | Minimum date for End-Of-Day data. |
EodMaxDate | DateTime | ISO | Maximum date for End-Of-Day data. |
OptionMinDate | DateTime | ISO | Minimum date for options data. |
OptionMaxDate | DateTime | ISO | Maximum date for options data. |
Remarks | String | None | Any remarks on the instrument. |
Optionable | Boolean | true/false | Indicates if the instrument bears options. |
The following errors might arise:
Internal server error
"Message":"An internal server error occurred."
Not Found
"Message":"No instruments found. See available categories."
You send a GET request to the following endpoint.
You get a collection of all available stocks along with detailed information. We assume that a JSON content type was specified.
"Description":"Apple Inc.",
"Description":"Zoetis Inc.",
End-Of-Day data can be obtained for available instruments over a period ranging from a start-date to an end-date.
Returns historical EOD data for a single ticker.
Send a GET request to the following endpoint:{ticker}/{start}/{end}/{token}
Parameter | Type | Format | Description |
ticker | String | None | Instrument's ticker symbol. |
start | DateTime | yyyy-MM-dd | Period's start date. |
end | DateTime | yyyy-MM-dd | Period's end date. |
token* | String | GUID | Valid user-generated token. |
The following additionnal HTTP Headers are included in the reponse:
Name | Value |
Description | Instrument's description. |
Caption | Description of the response. |
Access-Level | User's access level. |
Access-Right | Rights associated to user's access level. |
A collection of objects with the following properties:
Property | Type | Format | Description |
Date | DateTime | ISO | Quotation date. |
Open | Decimal | Decimal | Opening price. |
High | Decimal | Decimal | Highest price. |
Low | Decimal | Decimal | Lowest price. |
Close | Decimal | Decimal | Closing price. |
Volume | Integer | Integer | Cumulated Traded volume. |
NetChange | Decimal | Decimal | Net price change. |
PercentChange | Decimal | Decimal | Percent price change. |
Remarks | String | String | Any remarks about the trading session. |
The objects can be serialized into CSV, XML, JSON and BSON formats.
The following errors might arise:
Instrument Not Covered
"Message":"Instrument is not covered. See list of available instruments."
Not Found
"Message":"No Data Found! Check instrument's details for data availability."
Invalid Period Range
"Message":"Start date must be equal to or precede End date."
Invalid Token